Premchand Jayanthi At School

Premchand Jayanthi was celebrated in our school today. Prem Chand is among the greatest short-story writers and Novel-writers of both Urdu and Hindi languages. The adherents of Hindi-literature call him ‘Upanyas Samrat’, that is the king of novel writing. What he wrote in his nearly 35-year literary career bears the stamp of a communal togetherness. There is no precedent in Urdu fiction for the intense patriotism that is evident in his writings. He was so obsessed with the freedom movement that he resigned from his good job of 20 years, which he had obtained after a long period of poverty and hardship, in response to Mahatma Gandhi's "non-cooperation" movement. His writings provide vivid images of the social and political life of the early 30-35 years of the twentieth century. A sir from Hindi Pracharasabha was the chief guest for todays occasion. A warm welcome speech was given by him followed by the inauguration. The Hindi teacher also shared a few words on this occasio...