Week 6
On 18/07/2023 I had a period for class 8 where I gave them some practise problmes from the topic Acceleration. Few questions were done on the board and few questions were calculated by students.
On 21/07/2023 I conducted an Achievment Test for Class VIII on the chapter Motion. The questions for the Achievement Test were prepared following the blueprint. The test was for 25 marks and the students were given a whole period to finish the test. There was a total of 16 questions from various sections of the chapter Motion.
Moon Day was celebrated in our school on 21/07/2023. Students conducted a lot of programs on that day.
On 24/07/2023 The marks for the Achievement tests were distributed. Errors were pointed out and doubts were given. I also providede them with the right answers for questions they got wrong.
On 26/07/2023, A diagnostic Test was conducted for the students of Class VIII on the chapter Motion. There were around 20 questions which they had to answer in one word.
Today Arun sir, our Genaral sir came for class observation. The class went very well.
On 27/07/2023, Libi tr came for Optional Class observation.
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