Week 5

10/07/2023- 14/07/2023
This week was a little bit hectic sense I had almost 2 Class each on all days.
On 10/07/2023  I had two periods for class 8 and 9. First ever was for class 8 where I thought them about the topic volume and density. 5E model was prepared to teach them on the topic. Activity cards and lesson plan were already prepared.
In the next hour I had class for class 9 chemistry. Today I began to teach them a new chapter that is structure of atom. First topic to be thought was dalton's atomic theory. Basic concept of atom where thought to them.
On 11/07/2023 had to periods both for class 9. During the 5th period and Dadar was an extra period I got for class 9. During the 5th period I thought them about Sir Humphry Davy and  Michael Faraday. Contribution of both the scientist on the field of chemistry was with the help of ICT. 
The next hour the contribution of other scientist such Heinrich Geissler , Eugen Goldstein etc were discussed with the help of ICT. 
On 12/07/2023  I had two hours both for class 9. During the first period the lesson plan to teach was about the discovery of electrons and protons by JJ Thomson and Rutherford. A model based on the lesson plan about the plum pudding model of JJ Thomson was shown. ICT videos on cathode rate tube experiment and Rutherford alpha gold foil experiment was also shown. That was also prepared and shown.
During the next hour the topic thought was about Rutherford planetary model of atom. In this lesson plan to the fourth planetary model was explained by demonstrating the planetary motion in solar system later on the drawbacks of this model was also discussed.
On 13/07/2023 had to periods both for class 9. During the first ever I took the lesson about Bohr atom model. Various ICT activity cards and other learning it's were already prepared and shown in the class.
During the next tower the last topic of the chapter structure of atom was taught. Which was about isobars and isotopes. The concept of atomic number and mass number were revisited and discussed.
On 14/07/2023 had a period on class 8. In this chapter where I had to continue teaching on the chapter forces. Topic that I thought was on frictional forces various images charts exams in ICT for the class was already prepared and shown in the class. Star sports taken using experience strategy of learning where the people were given direct experience and learn from that. Various real life incidence from the life of people were discussed in the class by individual narration.


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