TEACHING PRACTISE PHASE 1 - 16/01/2023 TO 31/01/2023

On 16/01/2023 I had three periods, two in class 8 and 1 in class 9. Class 9 the class was during the third hour. Since I completed chapter electricity important questions from the chapter where it discuss and the students where ask workout those questions. Class 8 I had class on 4th as well as 8 hour. Dance they taken to the lap to teach the lesson demonstrating with examples. Lesson plan for class 8 was based on the reaction of water with various methods. The reaction of certain metals such as sodium magnesium and iron was shown in the science laboratory. On 17/01/2023 had one period for class 9. I beg and teaching a new topic wave motion. Today's class the introduction about waves was given to them. An activity was shown with the help of a beaker to demonstrate moment of particles. Thermocol balls were also used in this activity. On 18/01/2023 I got to extra periods for class 9. During the fourth hour the concept about types of waves were taught using concept attainment model. D...