
Showing posts from January, 2023

TEACHING PRACTISE PHASE 1 - 16/01/2023 TO 31/01/2023

On 16/01/2023 I had three periods, two in class 8 and 1 in class 9. Class 9 the class was during the third hour. Since I completed chapter electricity important questions from the chapter where it discuss and the students where ask workout those questions. Class 8 I had class on 4th as well as 8 hour. Dance they taken to the lap to teach the lesson demonstrating with examples. Lesson plan for class 8 was based on the reaction of water with various methods. The reaction of certain metals such as sodium magnesium and iron was shown in the science laboratory. On 17/01/2023 had one period for class 9. I beg and teaching a new topic wave motion. Today's class the introduction about waves was given to them. An activity was shown with the help of a beaker to demonstrate moment of particles. Thermocol balls were also used in this activity. On 18/01/2023 I got to extra periods for class 9.  During the fourth hour the concept about types of waves were taught using concept attainment model. D...

Martyr's Day

Martyrs’ day is celebrated to pay reverent homage to the patriots who fought and sacrificed their lives for the freedom, welfare and progress of India. It is celebrated on 30 th  of January every year, as on the same day, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated. He was a great freedom fighter and is counted as the greatest among the lakhs and lakhs of martyrs. In fond remembrance of his sacrifice and devotion, a special assembly was organized.  A special prayer was conducted by the students, praying to God to spread brother hood and restore  peace among nations. Since it was the 75th death anniversary of Gandhiji, 75 candles were lighted under guidance of our beloved Head Mistress. Both students as well as the teachers took part in this ritual.  Our little Mahatma Gandhi from pre primary section did complete justice to the role assigned to him. Students from class 4 did a chart presentation o...

Republic Day Celebration at school

The Republic Day of India is on January 26 and the nation welcomes the day with a parade and a tribute to the Indian armed forces. Special celebrations on this occasion are vital as it is on this date that the Indian Constitution was finalized and India would not be the great country it is today without its constitution The Republic day events began by 9am with flag hosting followed by singing of National Anthem. Later students from various classes came up with their contributions in relation with Republic Day cultural programmes.


Say no to drugs program

Alcohol/drug/substance abuse is becoming an increasing menace in our society. Vimukthi is an anti-narcotics campaign launched by the Government of Kerala to highlight the seriousness of the situation and to create awareness among the people, especially the youth. It is a collective effort aims at eradicating all sorts of narcotic substances from Kerala. It is being implemented with the help of students Police Cadets, Vimukthi Anti Drug Clubs of School and Colleges, National Service Scheme , Kudumbasree, Residence Association, State Library Council, and anti alcoholic organization, Different student, youth and Women’s organizations and Vimukthi Committees formed in Ward, Panchayat and Block levels of Local Bodies. Addiction free Kerala is the aim of this campaign drive. State wide campaigns to make students, youth and general public to aware of the evils of drug addiction and alcoholism is being conducted as part of the mission under Excise Department. A governing body with ...

Say no to Drugs program - Project Venda


TEACHING PRACTISE PHASE 1- 05/01/2023 TO 12/01/2023

School reopend after Christmas vacation. The third term classes began today On 04/01/2023 Wednesday had a period for class 8 where I beg and teaching the chapter water. 10 was already prepared based on the introduction about water including the properties such as boiling point etc. The lesson plan used of activity cards. On 05/01/2023 had one period for class 9 Physics. Thus today I introduced a new chapter to them. The chapter was titled current electricity. Today's session ideas about static charges were provided to them. Introduction to static charge was given using an ICT. Experiment was shown in the class using a balloon. Students for ask to rubit on their head ask to observe carefully. A circuit diagram was shown and questions were asked to students what happens if the switch is turned on. So got one more period for class 9 in the 5th hour. Spirit the lesson plan about potential difference was taken in the class. He was provided to make them understand. Cards were given to ma...

Study tour to Niyamasabha, Museum and Zoo

The  Kerala Legislative Assembly , popularly known as the  Kerala Niyamasabha , is the State Assembly of  Kerala , one of the 28 states in India. The Assembly is formed by 140 elected representatives.  The State Assembly is known as Niyamasabha and is housed in New Legislature Complex. This 5 storied complex is one of the largest complexes in India. The Central Hall is described as most elegant and majestic hall with ornamental Teakwood-Rosewood panelling. The older Assembly was located within State Secretariat complex which was reconverted into Legislature museum, after commissioning new complex in 1998 May 22   The students of the school were taken to Kerala Niyamasabha as part of visiting the book exhibition offered by the Government of Kerala. Pupil were taken to Museum, Zoo and Art Gallery. Located right inside the sprawling  Kerala Legislative Assembly Complex  is a huge edifice ...