Martyr's Day

Martyrs’ day is celebrated to pay reverent homage to the patriots who fought and sacrificed their lives for the freedom, welfare and progress of India. It is celebrated on 30th of January every year, as on the same day, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated. He was a great freedom fighter and is counted as the greatest among the lakhs and lakhs of martyrs. In fond remembrance of his sacrifice and devotion, a special assembly was organized. A special prayer was conducted by the students, praying to God to spread brother hood and restore  peace among nations.

Since it was the 75th death anniversary of Gandhiji, 75 candles were lighted under guidance of our beloved Head Mistress. Both students as well as the teachers took part in this ritual. 
Our little Mahatma Gandhi from pre primary section did complete justice to the role assigned to him.
Students from class 4 did a chart presentation on the complete life and history of Mahatma Gandhi under guidance of their social teacher and later this chart was put on notice board for display.


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