TEACHING PRACTISE PHASE 1 - 16/01/2023 TO 31/01/2023
On 16/01/2023 I had three periods, two in class 8 and 1 in class 9. Class 9 the class was during the third hour. Since I completed chapter electricity important questions from the chapter where it discuss and the students where ask workout those questions. Class 8 I had class on 4th as well as 8 hour. Dance they taken to the lap to teach the lesson demonstrating with examples. Lesson plan for class 8 was based on the reaction of water with various methods. The reaction of certain metals such as sodium magnesium and iron was shown in the science laboratory.
On 17/01/2023 had one period for class 9. I beg and teaching a new topic wave motion. Today's class the introduction about waves was given to them. An activity was shown with the help of a beaker to demonstrate moment of particles. Thermocol balls were also used in this activity.
On 18/01/2023 I got to extra periods for class 9. During the fourth hour the concept about types of waves were taught using concept attainment model. During the next hour transfer space and various terms related to transverse phase such as amplitude and wavelength was taught to them by demonstrating various activities and providing ICT video.
On 19/01/2023 had a period for class 9 during the third hour rest of the terms related to transfer space such as period frequency and speed where taught by giving graphical representation of a transverse wave. It's wrong using the same graph the inspire thought to calculate the frequency of a wave.
On 23/01/2023 at 3 periods in total. The period was class observation by our subject teacher. Pic selected to teach was water as a universal solvent. Then stay taken to the lab. Where done using salt ink paint vinegar shampoo etc to check the pH of water. This acidicity and basicity of serious materials were checked and the pH of water was found to be 7.
For class 9 where rest of the topics about wave motion were taught. Idea above longitudinal waves and sound was taught in the class. ICT video along with a model of waves formed in a tuning fork was shown to the children.
On 24/01/2023 had a period for class 8 where I taught them about soft water and hard water ICT videos were shown by dividing the students into various groups and experiments where conducted the students where given two types of water and ask them to find whether in which water leather is formed and in which water leather is not formed from this experiment explanation about hard water and soft water where given along with ICT video.
26/01/2023 was celebrated as republic day in the school various official programs along with the cultural programs by students of smaller classes where conducted.
On 27/01/2023 I got a substitution our for class 8 during fourth period in this class I completed the chapter water and the last topic to be thought was water pollution. Since the students for familiar with the topic it was easy to teach them and the lesson plan was planned with advance organizer model.
On 30/01/2023 I had three periods in total. Class 8 a new chapter was introduced to them reflection of light in spherical mirror. In this class the students fare taught the differentiate between a convex and the concave mirror. Uses a table spoon and ask the children to carefully observe and from the various questions where as and people wear ask to complete an activity card. Next lesson plan the various technical terms associated with spherical mirrors where discuss such as center of curvature ,radius of curvature, angle of incidence, angle of reflection etc.. class 9 the rest topics from the chapter waves where taken such as the speed of sound.
On 31/01/2023 today I had to periods for class 8 and 9 respectively. Class 8 focus and focal length where taught. The term was taught with the help of a concave mirror and laser demonstrating a light ray falling on mirror and getting reflected later on a table was given to the students to identify the nature of the image formed in both cases. Class 9 the lesson plan was ICT oriented
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