TEACHING PRACTISE PHASE 1- 05/01/2023 TO 12/01/2023

School reopend after Christmas vacation. The third term classes began today
On 04/01/2023 Wednesday had a period for class 8 where I beg and teaching the chapter water. 10 was already prepared based on the introduction about water including the properties such as boiling point etc. The lesson plan used of activity cards.

On 05/01/2023 had one period for class 9 Physics. Thus today I introduced a new chapter to them. The chapter was titled current electricity. Today's session ideas about static charges were provided to them. Introduction to static charge was given using an ICT. Experiment was shown in the class using a balloon. Students for ask to rubit on their head ask to observe carefully. A circuit diagram was shown and questions were asked to students what happens if the switch is turned on.
So got one more period for class 9 in the 5th hour. Spirit the lesson plan about potential difference was taken in the class. He was provided to make them understand. Cards were given to make them understand about various situations and the direction of flow or motion. Heavy backwards brought to the class to demonstrate the rise of water which gives an idea about potential difference.

On 07/01/2023 Saturday got two substitution periods for class 9 during the second answer 6th period. Lesson plans were already prepared the topic EMF and competition of cells whose taken in these two periods the learning AIDS were also ready before hand. Process of EMF and EMF were taken using 5E model. Combination of cells where taken using inquiry training process model. 

On 09/01/2023 total I had three classes. One for class 8 and two for class 9.  The second period I got class for class 9 where I introduce them the topic electric current. Teach them about electric current activity demonstration was used plastic bottles filled with a tiny colourful balls the tiny colourful balls represented electrons and this of balls inside the plastic bottle was come back to the flow of electrons inside a conductor. Activity cards for provided and images were shown. Problem question to calculate the current flowing in a conductor was also taught. The next tower I had a period for class 8 that rest of the portions regarding the properties of water such as heat capacity freezing point etc were taught. Thus during the 4th period just before the lunch break I got one more period for class 9 where the topic Ohm's Law was taught.  Computer illustrated experiment was shown to teach them about ohm's law . The various materials such as a voltmeter et cetera where collected from the science laboratory to give them and idea about the circuit used. Patron teacher are students to fill the table in page 112 of their physics textbook according to the animation given to them. Activity cards were given to fill.

10/01/2023 I got one period for class 8 and one for class 9. Bring the first hour I to class for class 9 on the topic resistivity. To make the concept of resistivity more clear the teacher use few pictures from real life examples to understand the factors that affect the resistance of a conductor.

 On 11/01/2023 it was not a regular working day for the school as the children were taken to study tour to zoo, museum and Niyamasabha Library.

On 12/01/2023 had one period which was substitution for class 9 and 8 during 3rd and 4th hour. Class 9 the last topic of the chapter current electricity was taken which was about Rheostat and tools used while handling devices using electric current. The class was based on PPT presentation. Class 8 surface tension was taken using inquiry training model


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