
Week 7

 This was our final week of Teaching practice Phase 2 Since the lesson plans were almost completed we got plenty of free hours to interact with teachers and students of the school. I carried out interviews for my Project work on these days. On 2/08/2023 I took Remedial classes for students of Class VIII on the topic acceleration, since after conducting the tests, those areas were found out to be difficult for the students. 3/08/2023 was the second last day for our teaching practice. We spend time with students of pre primary section.   4/08/2023 This was the last day of our teaching practice. Government High School Mannanthala will be always cherished in our minds. The students, teachers, and the school atmosphere will always be in our hearts. It was very difficult for us to leave the school, but we look forward for our bright future and thank each and evry individual who supported, guided and stood by us in this amazing journey

Premchand Jayanthi At School

Premchand Jayanthi was celebrated in our school today. Prem Chand is among the greatest short-story writers and Novel-writers of both Urdu and Hindi languages. The adherents of Hindi-literature call him ‘Upanyas Samrat’, that is the king of novel writing. What he wrote in his nearly 35-year literary career bears the stamp of a communal togetherness. There is no precedent in Urdu fiction for the intense patriotism that is evident in his writings. He was so obsessed with the freedom movement that he resigned from his good job of 20 years, which he had obtained after a long period of poverty and hardship, in response to Mahatma Gandhi's "non-cooperation" movement. His writings provide vivid images of the social and political life of the early 30-35 years of the twentieth century. A sir from Hindi Pracharasabha was the chief guest for todays occasion. A warm welcome speech was given by him followed by the inauguration. The Hindi teacher also shared a few words on this occasio...

Week 6

  On 18/07/2023 I had a period for class 8 where I gave them some practise problmes from the topic Acceleration. Few questions were done on the board and few questions were calculated by students. On 21/07/2023 I conducted an Achievment Test for Class VIII on the chapter Motion. The questions for the Achievement Test were prepared following the blueprint. The test was for 25 marks and the students were given a whole period to finish the test. There was a total of 16 questions from various sections of the chapter Motion. Moon Day was celebrated in our school on 21/07/2023. Students conducted a lot of programs on that day. On 24/07/2023 The marks for the Achievement tests were distributed. Errors were pointed out and doubts were given. I also providede them with the right answers for questions they got wrong. On 26/07/2023, A diagnostic Test was conducted for the students of Class VIII on the chapter Motion. There were around 20 questions which they had to answer in one word. Today A...

Class Observation by Optional Teacher

 Today our optional teacher Libi tr, came for observing the class. I took the portion Rutherford's' Planetary model as the topic. For that various activities, models and Charts were also prepared. During the afternooon session a quiz competition was conducted for high school students.

Class Observation by Genral Sir

 Today we had class observation by Arun sir. I took the lesson plan based on JJ Thomsons and Rutherfords experiment.

Moon Day

Moon Day was celebrated in our school Today. Me and my fellow student teacher Ganga organized the event in assistance with Science tr Preetha tr. Many programs were organized including poster making, model making, speeches etc by students from class 1- 10.

Week 5

10/07/2023- 14/07/2023 This week was a little bit hectic sense I had almost 2 Class each on all days. On 10/07/2023  I had two periods for class 8 and 9. First ever was for class 8 where I thought them about the topic volume and density. 5E model was prepared to teach them on the topic. Activity cards and lesson plan were already prepared. In the next hour I had class for class 9 chemistry. Today I began to teach them a new chapter that is structure of atom. First topic to be thought was dalton's atomic theory. Basic concept of atom where thought to them. On 11/07/2023 had to periods both for class 9. During the 5th period and Dadar was an extra period I got for class 9. During the 5th period I thought them about Sir Humphry Davy and  Michael Faraday. Contribution of both the scientist on the field of chemistry was with the help of ICT.  The next hour the contribution of other scientist such Heinrich Geissler , Eugen Goldstein etc were discussed with the help of ICT....