First Week of Teaching Practice Phase 2

This was the first week of our Phase 2 Teaching Practice. I was sent to Govt. HS Mannanthala, the same school that I selected for the previous session.
We had already collected the portions to be taught and the timetable from the subject teacher. 
Teaching practice began on 12/06/2023
 the first day I had a period on class VIII Physics. The chapter that I had to teach them was Motion. So on the first class I gave them an idea about Reference body. The students were excited because this was a new topic for them.
On the second day I got 2 periods for class VIII, where I continued the class by teaching the topics Distance, Displacement and Speed, Velocity.
On the third day I had a period for class IX, where I had to teach them the topic Chemical Bonding. The basics about electronic configuration were taught to them on the first class.
There was a pledge to be taken again Dengue fever on all schools today. The students were asked to assemble in the school auditorium to take the pledge.
On the fourth day, the topic Ionic Compounds were introduced to them and pupil were taught about drawing elctron dot structure and all 
On the fifth day I couldn't attend the school due to some family reasons.


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