
Showing posts from June, 2023

Project Venda Street Drama


Lahari Virudha Dinam


Dry Day at school


Vaayanadhinam at School

Today June 19th was Vaayanadhinam at school. As part of the Day various programmes were arranged in the school campus . The programme started with a prayer Followed by prayer a speech regarding Vaayanadhinam was given by Sunil kumari tr. Later on the Head master addressed the students and gave them various suggestions regarding improving their reading at schools. Later on the students of Class 7 published a Magazine of theirs. Followed by these various prizes were distributed for the winners of the competition conducted regarding the Vaayanadhinam.  Later on Saritha tr recited a poem written by Sunilkumari tr A pledge was taken by students and teachers

First Week of Teaching Practice Phase 2

This was the first week of our Phase 2 Teaching Practice. I was sent to Govt. HS Mannanthala, the same school that I selected for the previous session. We had already collected the portions to be taught and the timetable from the subject teacher.  Teaching practice began on 12/06/2023 One  the first day I had a period on class VIII Physics. The chapter that I had to teach them was Motion. So on the first class I gave them an idea about Reference body. The students were excited because this was a new topic for them. On the second day I got 2 periods for class VIII, where I continued the class by teaching the topics Distance, Displacement and Speed, Velocity. On the third day I had a period for class IX, where I had to teach them the topic Chemical Bonding. The basics about electronic configuration were taught to them on the first class. There was a pledge to be taken again Dengue fever on all schools today. The students were asked to assemble in the school auditoriu...

Pledge on Dengue fever


Microteaching 1

Microteaching - Skill of Explanation


An E-Content was prepared based on B.Ed curriculum on the topic Chemical Changes.

Short Film : Thamasoma Jyothir Gamaya

Part of our B.Ed curriculum we had to prepare a short film. The title of our short film was Thamasoma Jyotir Gamaya . Be selected our story plot for the short film as superstition. Superstition is a belief that is not based on scientific knowledge. Traditional healers usually used superstition in their practices to manage human health problems and diseases. Practice create a conflict with the medical profession and its evidence based practices. Education gives enough ground to think about the real things instead of blindly accepting.