
Showing posts from March, 2022


 A workshop on glasspainting has been conducted on the college. It was a whole day programme and was very interesting. The students were provided with OHP sheets and colors and everyone one painted on it beautifully. 

House programs

   The cultural committee of our college consists of 3 houses. named green, yellow, red .The students are equally distributed among the three houses. the students with the proper guidance of the faculty member organize program every week. Its our first day cultural program which was conducted successfully with lots of fun and talents

ONLINE ASSIGNMENT EDU02 - Dales Cone of Experience

  DALES CONE OF EXPERIENCE The cone of experience is a model that incorporates several theories related to instructional design and learning process. Dale proposed the cone of experience in his book “AUDIO-VISUAL METHODS IN TEACHING”. This was the earliest attempt to classify audio-visual aids according to their effectiveness in communicating ideas. The Cone of Experience is merely a visual aid explaining the inter relationships of the various types of audio-visual materials as well as their individual position in the learning process. In his first edition of Audio-visual Methods in Teaching‟ (1946), Dale expanded Dewey‟s concept of the continuity of learning through experience by developing the “Cone of Experience” which relates a concrete to abstract continuum to audio-visual media options. In the second edition in 1969 Dale regarded the cone as a “visual   analogy” to show the progression of learning experiences from concrete to abstract. In the last edition in 196...

Women's day Celebration

Women's day celebration 2022 was conducted at our college today The theme for International Women’s Day, 8 March, 2022 (IWD 2022) is, “ Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow ”, recognizing the contribution of women and girls around the world, who are leading the charge on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and response, to build a more sustainable future for all. A dvancing gender equality in the context of the climate crisis and disaster risk reduction is one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. The issues of climate change and sustainability have had and will continue to have, severe and lasting impacts on our environment, economic and social development. Those who are amongst the most vulnerable and marginalized experience the deepest impacts. Women are increasingly being recognized as more vulnerable to climate change impacts than men, as they constitute the majority of the world’s poor and are mor...

EKTA Camp by Senior batch - Cultural Events

Today was the second last day of camp "EKTA" by our seniors They organised cultural programmes today.


  World Wildlife Day on March 3rd annually dedicates a celebration to all life on our planet. The yearly event is regarded as the most important, raising awareness about threatened and endangered plants and animals. As a planet, we currently face the issue of overexploiting our marine species. Through global mass consumption, human impact has not only generated pollution and destroyed coastal habitats but causes irreversible damage. Threatened species – any species of plant or animal that are on the brink of being endangered Endangered species – any species of plant or animal that is in danger of extinction Extinct Species (in the wild) – plants and animals that no longer survive in the wild. Extinct Species – plant and animal species that have died out Many extinct species in the wild may live in zoos, botanical gardens, or even in our own back yards. Two extinct species in the wild that survive elsewhere include the blue-tailed skink and the rhododendron kanehirai. Another c...