Science Day was celebrated in our college by our juniors. The programme was titled "Scientia" The theme of National Science Day 2023 is ' Global Science for Global Wellbeing
The 2 month teaching experience at G.H.S Mannanthala was a great blessing. I feel overwhelmed to leave the students and teachers of this school. But hoping to return back at next phase of Teaching practise, we are signing of our teaching practise as of now.
On 20/02/2023 the marks of the achievement test were discussed and given to the children doubts regarding the problems were also given. Yoga classes were taken for High school students. On 21/02/2023 diagnostic test was conducted for class 8 on the chapter water. School Association Activity was conducted on this day for High School students as part of our B.Ed Curriculum. On 22/02/2023 my dear class for class 8 on the topic surface tension was given. Remedial lesson plan was prepared by using more activities ICT videos and experimentations. On 24/02/2023 our teaching practice phase one officially ended.
Top our b.Ed curriculum we had to take a yoga class for the students of class 8 and 9. During the afternoon session we got substitution so we gather class 8 and 9 students and made them do yoga be held them with some warm up exercise and then made them do Trigonasana
On 21st February we conducted school association activity based on the topic " Know Soul Know Life". Collected different samples of soil with the help of students and later be analyse properties of different soils it's texture etc. It won't be made solutions of the soils in order to check its pH if the help of PH paper. Finding the pH be prepared and experiment find out the water holding capacity of different soils. Prepared soil and Port water drop by drop and found out the water holding capacity of clay soil alluvial soil black soil red soil etc. Found out from the experiment that clay soil hold it more amount of water in it. We shuddham a chart of soil pollution in with a cartoon picture
On 04/02/2023 for two extra periods for class 8 and 9. Class 8 the students where taken to the science laboratory to teach them about focal length and the focus I showing experiments and making them to problem questions. For 9th standard students they were thought about ultrasonic sound waves and its applications. SONAR what's explain to them using ICT pictures and videos which they understood very easily and good generalized things easily. On 06/02/2023 had 2 periods for class 8. The fourth period a teacher came for class observation and I took class based on image formations the students were taken to the laboratory. Stop the portions were taken in the period. On 07/02/2023 had a period for class 9 during the third over the lesson plan for teaching the class was already prepared and its their also arranged. Class was taken using an innovative lesson plan based on tsunamis Rest of the days of this week I was assigned duties such as teaching children dance for annual day. Free time...
As part of our b.Ed curriculum we need to conduct the conscientization program during our school practice. Conducted a conscientization on water pollution and the remedies which we can follow and school promises for an eco friendly and water friendly environment. Prepared PowerPoint presentation, activity card chart etc. Students were so active throughout the session