
Showing posts from August, 2022

Onam 2022

  After 2 years of pendamic situation   We celebrated onam wonderfully  It was over all great and enjoyable.  A great onam with friends, teachers and staffs of kaviyattu BEd college. Celebrated with programs,  athapookalam,  games,  sathya..  Following are pictures captured in between onam celebration

Independence Day 2022

 In 1947 when the Indian Independence Act came into effect, which established India and Pakistan as separate countries, no longer under British imperialist rule. A representative dance towards our country INDIA 🇮🇳 by physical science batch girls

Capacity Building Programme

  C apacity building program Semester 2 Conducted by Dr. Roshna ma'am It was a good section that we shared with Roshna ma'am. She had discussed  some life skills and  had a detailed talk on self-awareness and empathy. How these skills is necessary for us as a teacher and the same time in our life too. She engaged everyone during the section and make section more interesting and informative